Leotard refs.
All refs
where noted).
Christian Moreau
「Métal」 (
collection 2013‐2014
Réf. 343LI4667SM.
✨Chest sparkle pattern detail.
Promotional photos.
Perfectly smooth. No creases.
Fits anyone. Skintight, almost as if painted on.
Impossibly thin fabric.
Cannot be ripped or torn.
Stretches to any(?) size.
Resplendent shimmering cyan/turquoise.
May exert as much or as little control of its wearer as it pleases.
Can separate its wearer's mind from their body (and reattach them).
Able to pull its wearer inside itself. Seemingly‐infinite storage.
📐The angles are important.
Forms and morphing.
Will you wear me?